

Programs and resources available at the Barberton Public Library for children ages birth to five years old.

Beginning the week of June 8, we will post three storytimes per week on our YouTube channel, along with related activities and art projects here on the website.  You can also stop by the library each week to pick-up Take & Make craft kits for preschool age children.  Click on the storytime below, on the day it is scheduled, to access the storytime video and activities.

Preschool Storytime
geared towards ages 2 - 5 years old
posted Mondays at 10:00 am

Wee Ones Storytime
gears towards ages birth - 36 months
posted Wednesdays at 10:00 am

Pajama Family Storytime
for the whole family
posted Fridays at 10:00 am








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