On-Line Children's Programming

We miss seeing everyone's smiling faces, but we hope you are safe & healthy at home!  We have planned some programming for the month of April, that children from birth to middle school can participate in through our website, YouTube or social media.  Below are links to the various programs and activities, visit often for new programs and content!     
Take care! - Ms. Alison, Ms. Monica, Ms. Sarah, Ms. Abby, Ms. Lisa & Ms. Jenny

We will post two storytimes per week on our YouTube channel, along with related activities and art projects here on the website.  Click below on the storytime of your choice, for the links to the YouTube video and related activities.

Preschool Storytime
geared toward ages 2-5 years olds
posted Tuesdays at 10:00 am

Wee Ones Storytime
geared toward birth - 36 months
posted Thursdays at 10:00 am 

*Please note storytimes will only be posted for 48 hours to help comply with author & publisher copyright wishes.

School-age Activities We will post three activities per week.  Click below each week to find out what new activities we've created.

Weekly Art Project - How to Draw
Weekly Building Challenge - Build a Silly Robot
Weekly Scavenger Hunt - Backyard or Park Scavenger Hunt
Parents, feel free to share pictures of your children working on the activities, or their completed projects, to the library's Facebook page or use #barbertonlibrarykids to tag us on Instagram.  You can also email pictures to Ms. Alison @ alison.huey@barbertonlibrary.org

First Chapter Book Club
1st, 2nd & 3rd grade children
Wednesdays from 1:30 - 2:00 pm
During each meeting, one of the Children's Librarians will read the first few chapters from a book geared towards 1st, 2nd & 3rd grade children, over the Zoom meeting app. The books will be available to download through the Overdrive app and the new Hoopla app.  Books can be downloaded ahead of time, so children can follow along, or they can just listen and decide if they would like to download and continue to read.  ​Contact Ms. Alison (alison.huey@barbertonlibary.org) for more information and weekly log-in details.

Wednesday, April 22 - Dragons and Marshmallows, the first book in the Zoey and Sassafras series, by Asia Citro​ (also available for downloaded through the Zoey and Sassafras website)

Kids Code
Check here on Monday, April 6 & Monday April 20 for coding tutorials and projects.

Minecraft Virtual Meetup
Grades 3 - 8
Monday, April 27, from 2:00 - 3:00 pm
Email Ms. Abby (abby.lowe@barbertonlibrary.org) for details and to reigster, limited spaces are available.

4th Grade Book Club
We will be setting up a virtual bookclub, using the Zoom meeting app, for fourth grade students.
Tuesday, April 28, from 1:30 - 2:00 pm 
Email Ms. Sarah (sarah.massey@barbertonlibrary.org) for details and log-in information.

Middle School Book Clubs
We will be setting up virtual bookclubs using the Zoom meeting app for the following Middle School students:
Barberton Middle School
Tuesday, April 14 
5th & 6th grade - 11:00 am
7th & 8th grade - 12:00 noon

St. Augustine School
Tuesday, April 21
5th - 8th grade - 12:00 noon
Please contact Sarah Massey (sarah.massey@barbertonlibrary.org) for more information about joining the meeting.  If your child is unable to participate, Ms. Sarah has posted several book talks here on the website, as well as a related activity.
* Please note the bookclub meeting will only be open to children who are in the specified grade at the specified school.

Craft Connections
Join Monica for a few fun stories and simple at home craft tutorials.

Source URL: https://barbertonlibrary.org/athomekidsprograms