June 2015: Viminy Crowe's Comic Book by Marthe Jocelyn & Richard Scrimger - An exciting read for everyone who loves comic books!

“… he felt a tap on his shoulder.  Superman was standing behind him.
            ‘Mind if I butt in here, sonny?  I’m in a hurry.’
The square jaw, the dark curl over the forehead, the muscles, the blue tights – he was perfect.  His hand rested for a second on Wylder’s shoulder.  A man in line took a photo with his cell phone.  Wylder tried to act casual.
            ‘Sure, sure.  Uh, go ahead.  Is someone in trouble? Is it that lost child they were talking about over the loudspeaker?’ …
            The Man of Steel smiled.
‘Nah, I’m late, that’s all.  I have to be in Hall B in ten minutes … Tuna sandwich,’ he said to the lunch lady.  ‘Put it on DC’s tab.’ …
            ‘Hey, Superman!’ said Wylder.  ‘Which should I order – french fries or onion rings?’
He turned in a swirl of scarlet cape.  There was the smile again.
            ‘Onion rings.’ The answer was definite. ‘You can get fries anywhere.’
‘Thanks, Superman!’
            But he was already gone, dashing though the crowd.
What a guy.”
Wylder pg 2 – 3 Viminy Crowe’s Comic Book
Wylder Wallace has just had the best morning of his life.  Now that he’s almost twelve, his mom let him go to the ComicFest on his own, and he’s already scored a few new comics, an autograph picture of Wolverine and a free video game, and now he’s met Superman!  Could the day get any better?  Wylder is about to find out.

While finishing off his onion rings Wylder meets Addy Crowe, neice of comic book creator Viminy Crowe.  Soon Addy and Wylder have accidently set out on an adventure through Viminy’s most recent comic: Flynn Goster and the Gold Rush Express.  Yes, you read that right, Addy and Wylder go into the comic book.  They meet the dashing hero and the villain’s evil robots, almost get eaten by an alligator, get stuck in a gum advertisement, get thrown from a train and basically create a big mess inside the comic book.  It’s exciting, kind of like being in a video game, until Addy and Wylder discover that the objects they’ve lost during their adventures, like Wylder’s backpack, are changing the storyline.  Can they go back through the comic and fix everything before its big release at ComicFest?  Or will Addy’s uncle’s career as a comic book creator be ruined?  Read Viminy Crowe’s Comic Book by Marthe Jocelyn & Richard Scrimger to find out if Wylder and Addy can save the day!

Source URL: https://www.barbertonlibrary.org/content/alisonspicksjune2015