What does it mean when my card says it's in collections or expired?

BPL Library Card

My Card is Expired
A card expires every three years. This system helps to keep your information current. You cannot put items on hold while your card is expired. If your card is expired, please visit the main library or CHL Branch or call the Customer Services Department at 330-745-1194 to reactivate your account. 

My Card is in Collections
Adult cardholders with $100.00 or more in fines or fees will be referred to a materials recovery service. A non-waivable fee will be assessed to the cardholder upon referral.

Cardholders whose account have been referred to the materials recovery service will be prohibited from borrowing materials. Borrowing privileges will be restore only when the balance on the cardholder's account has been paid in full.

Referral to the materials recovery service may have an impact on the cardholder's credit score. 

For additional information, please read the Borrowing Policy (PDF).

File attachments
Attachment Size
Borrowing Policy, 2022.07_0.pdf 113.33 KB

Source URL: https://barbertonlibrary.org/content/create-page-25