Kids Connect

  Kids Connect is a program for eight through twelve year olds, with sign-ups beginning in the fall. The kids learn to work together as a group to create a public service announcement. They choose the topic, research the topic, write the announcement, act in the announcement, and do all of the filming themselves.  Kids learn about the potential the internet offers for them to reach an audience and the importance of creating positive unique content for the web.  The public service announcement they create is posted on multiple social media sites.
Photo of Kids Connect group posing to direction.
   During the first sessions the focus is on getting to know the other members of the group, learning how to use the camera, and tripod, and gaining confidence in front of the camera. Books on different topics are introduced and the kids begin to discuss topics of interest.

Photo of books on topics that can be considered for the public service announcement topic.

   The next few sessions focus on learning basic acting skills including stage directions. They also vote on the topic of their public service announcement. Writing concepts including informational writing, persuasive writing, writing for entertainment, and the idea of writing to both inform and entertain, are explored.
   Writing the public service announcement is by far the hardest part for most of the kids. Writing as a group is very challenging. Kids learn how to critique by saying something positive about an idea before offering an idea for improvement.

   The group has a lot of fun, but they work very hard too. They commit their time and creativity and I am always impressed with how much they learn and accomplish each year. If you know an eight through twelve year old who might be interested in this program please email me at

Photo of kids playing the Upstage Downstage game to learn stage directions.

Kids Connect public service announcement "Animal Abuse & Neglect- NOT ACCEPTABLE!"
Kids Connect public service announcement "Ending Bullying is in Our Hands"
Kids Connect public service announcement "Diversity"
Kids Connect public service announcement Don't Be Silly, Be Safe!
Kids Connect public service announcement "Read Anywhere, Create Anytime, Go Everywhere"
View more pictures from our sessions.

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