Computers & Wi-Fi

Public Computers
There are seven public computers on the First Floor of the Library. Public computers can be accessed with a CLEVNET library card. Computer usage is limited to three hours a day.  

Each public computer has Microsoft Office Suite installed, with programs such as Word, Excel, Publisher, and PowerPoint.

It is encouraged that patrons wear headphones when using the public computers. Bring your own headphones or purchase headphones at the Customer Services desk for $3.

For the protection of the Library computer system, patrons may not save anything to the hard drive of the computer. We ask that if patrons are looking to save their work, they save it to a removable media. Bring your own flash drive or purchase one from the Customer Services desk for $5.

Ensure you have read the Computer Usage Policy, use of the Library’s public computers or Wi-Fi means understanding and agreeing to this policy. 

Children’s AWE Computers
In the Children’s Department, there are two AWE Learning computer stations. These stations offer children a safe, standalone computer not connected to the Internet which are age appropriate and academically relevant for children. These stations encourage early literacy skills through interactive and educational digital learning solutions.

One of the AWE Learning stations is geared towards Preschool ages, the other is geared towards early Elementary ages. Learn more about AWE Learning. 

The Library has public Wi-Fi available to patrons between 7 AM - 9 PM. Any user must agree to the CLEVNET terms of use. 

Find out more about printing at the Library here. 

Use of the library computers or Wi-Fi indicates understanding and acceptance of the Computer Usage Policy

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Computer Usage Policy 168.82 KB

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