Board of Trustees

About the Barberton Library Board of Trustees
Barberton Public Library has a seven-member Board of Trustees which is the governing body authorized by the State of Ohio to establish policies and develop our annual budget. Board members represent the citizens’ interest while promoting the highest level of library service appropriate to the community, in accordance with state law.  Members of the Library Board of Trustees are appointed for seven-year terms by the Barberton Board of Education. Library Trustees serve without remuneration.

The Barberton Public Library is a separate political subdivision of the State of Ohio. It is not part of the city or county government. The service area is the Barberton City School District and the Library’s taxing authority is the Barberton Board of Education, which authorizes ballot issues to be placed before the voters on behalf of the Library.

2025 Board of Trustees    

Holly Miller, President

Jennifer Doll, Vice President

James Leonard, Secretary 

Kenneth Cheatham

C. Racyne Leskanic

Terri Masich

Heather McMullen

2025 Committee Appointments

Building & EquipmentFinance & AuditPersonnelSummit County Trustees Council

James Leonard, Chair

C. Racyne Leskanic

Terri Masich


Heather McMullen, Chair

Kenneth Cheatham

C. Racyne Leskanic


Jennifer Doll, Chair

Kenneth Cheatham

Terri Masich

Jennifer Doll, Delegate

Terri Masich, Alternate

Bylaws of the Board of Trustees

Adopted April 24, 2003; revised January 23, 2014.


Meeting Schedule

Board meetings are regularly scheduled from January through October on the fourth Thursday of each month. In November and December, regular meetings are on the third Thursday of the month. They are held at 6:30 p.m. in the Board Room.

In accordance with the provisions of the Ohio Revised Code, Section 121.22, all board meetings are open to the public, except during executive sessions.

Board Meeting Minutes

Minutes from the last 12 months are available online. Minutes from earlier meetings are available by request.